Saturday, November 22, 2008

3rd Night Impactful Asia Conference!!!

Everyone is beginning to feel the aftermath of Asia Conference. It is really not an easy feat to attend all sessions from morning till night and not feeling a tinge of tiredness and lethargy. For me, the added frustration of having a paper just now couldnt annoy me more. Probably because I have been to the previous two days for Asia Conference, it really impacted me and has probably taken a part of my strength away, I couldnt focus in the morning while revising for the paper. The previous night was late and I didnt get adequate sleep, and compounding to the problem of revision not yet done, I was like ants on a hot pan. BUt I really want to thank God for the paper. I wouldnt say it is easy or anything near, but at least I managed to answer all the questions coherently. Yes, for questions which I didnt know how to answer, my crappy skills will come into play and sometimes it gets pretty incoherent. SO really thank God that at least I could hand up a script with no blanks.

By the time I rushed down after my paper, it was already 7pm. BUt service was once again awesome! Actually I could tell that Pastor Kong is tired also. We as participants are already tired, what more a preacher!!! But nevertheless, the message is still impactful and revelational.

Hall 10 was three quarter filled!

Gotta get some rest, shall share more the next time~ Hooray no more papers!!! BENNY HINN TMR!!!

Signing out...

OMY blogged at 2:15 AM

You lead me... paths of righteousness...

Friday, November 21, 2008

Add Oil... Add Anointing...


2 hours and 45 more minutes to my paper....

OMY blogged at 11:44 AM

2nd Day FIRE Asia Conference!!!

TOday i went abit later but nevertheless managed to catch Pastor Ulf in the overflow hall for the morning session. He talked about the Holy SPirit! Very Basic yet very fundamental in our walk with God...

Lunch was great and Pastor really reduced our expectation on the quality of the food from what he mentioned previously but the standard of the dishes was rather high!!! Quite a sumptuous meal I would say...

This is what I had for dinner~

I attended my favourite elective The Art of Worship Leading! Basically, it was a very general one teaching about the technical and spiritual aspects of leading praise and worship. But it was really a great experience to hear Annabel and Ally share from their personal experience on what it takes to be a leader. It takes years of discipleship for them to be able to rise up, and it is never about your skills, but your heart and character. Of course, i enjoyed the teachnical aspects more coz it widened my perspective and I get to understand more on the dynamics behind. Of course, a skillful worship leader is not necessarily an anointed one and anything without the presence of God has no power. There are three general aspects of the voice: tone, skill and anointing. The first one is God-given and cannot be worked upon, but the latter two can be achieved through hard word and perseverance and waiting upon the Lord. Worship leading is really about the people. The congregation you are ministering to. If the focus is about oneself, then that is not true worshipping...

Service at night was about the Holy Spirit again~ It was great when Carola sang the part, "Harvest Harvest Harvest....Fire..Fire...Fire..." I really felt that tonight was a night of heavy "fire"component.

Tomorrow I cant make it for Rev AR Bernard and Pastor Phil's session but I will definitely rush down after my paper at 5pm. Hope that I can manage to make it in time for the power packed night session!!!

Greater things have yet to come! All the best for my own paper oh yea...

OMY blogged at 12:25 AM

You lead me... paths of righteousness...

Thursday, November 20, 2008



Really power packed to the max.
I reached there about 1145am to meet my cg members for the welcome lunch and was greeted with an enormous crowd waiting to be fed. The queue for registration was ultra long and "I-serve" personnel were busy attending to so many requests from the delegates.

Hungry souls queueing for the food!

We were treated to quite a sumptuous lunch but I was not able to get the complete set as I was busy conversing with some delegates from Taiwan. Most of them came to Singapore only for the first time just to attend this conference! Woa! Would I be treated the same way if I go to one of the taiwan churches? hehe...

The elective I attended was on Organizational Leadership and the speaker was none other than Jeffrey Rachmat, the guy who preached in one of the leaders' meeting before. He taught from experience and I learnt so many things from him. One important point to prevent any organisation from dying is to avoid the aging phase and to do something about it! And also the point about how throughout our lives in managing organisation, we should lead 50% of ourselves, lead down 5%, lead laterally 20% and lead up 25%. It truly impacted me.

I didnt go for the next elective but went coffeebean to study with Mike. It turned out to be a casual chatting session and nothing really went into my mind...Haha..But it was a great time of relaxing as we prepare for dinner and the night session.

Night session was phenomenal with many display of colourful people and props and it just reminded me of chingay parade when the colourful vehicles were wheeled out...hehe..

Pastor Kong's anchor service was amazing and the word was indeed strong and powerful. Not everyone can be brought up into the third space (position of leadership/great influence) but everyone of us can be empowered in the 1st space (church) to impact out 2nd space (marketplace) and do something great for His kingdom. Let's be warriors and fight for the cause we are living for!!! Amen~

The second day of AC awaits... It may be wise enough for me to set aside time for friday paper revision too. But AC has totally revved me up and I am so excited for more. Nevertheless, shall be faithful and do my best and trust God for the rest. Oh yea~

OMY blogged at 1:16 AM

You lead me... paths of righteousness...

Sunday, November 16, 2008



This blog was birthed as a result of the new life after being officially identified with His death and ascension through water baptism on 15th Nov 2008, 7 days after my 24th birthday! Meant to exalt, edify and encourage, I hope the blog can be a platform not just for ranting, but for gently touching the hearts of readers and supporters and a place to share and care.

I am in the midst of exam, but still excited nevertheless for the upcoming inaugural Asia Conference! Since I cant make it for the friday morning and afternoon sessions due to virology paper, I have decided to bless someone with my tag (if that's possible) because she couldnt manage to register for any of the day events at all! And it is her 21st Birthday on that day and all her favourite preachers will be there! Think that's one way in which I can be a blessing and help her out ehh..

The name, Aydan was first suggested by my ex cg member, also a worship leader in church. It was a name that was conjured in an instance of spontaneity during CNY gathering and it sounded good and clicked within me. I retained that name in my mind, and subsequently went to check out its meaning on the net.

I came to realise Aydan, a variant of Aiden means FIRE!! WOW! What a name! And it reminded me of a very famous and successful preacher way back in the days of history.

John Wesley was not a charismatic figure at 5' 2" tall. His sermons are exceedingly dull. But people flocked to here him preach. Somebody asked him why anybody even bothered to come. Wesley replied, "I set myself on fire, and people come to watch me burn." It was the fire that attracted folks like moths to a flame.

To a certain extent, it reminded me once again that all of us are not perfect. We are imperfect in various ways, but John wesley is able to overcome his shortcomings by having that fire, the fire of the Holy ghost burning inside of him. That was the key to the success of his ministry. Likewise, all of us should have the fire burning inside of us as well. And that should be the key to our christian living.

Even for the upcoming Asian Conference, we are like a flame where other delegates are going to watch us burn. How we burn and to what extent we burn, is going to be shown to many thousands around the world. Some flame may be strong, some may just be a flicker, but for all of us, as we begin to gather together in the house of God, God's anointing shall keep us burning brighter and brighter. The presence of God shall be manisfested strong and powerful. Be the light that shines!

Cant wait for tomorrow!!! Asia Conference here I come~

OMY blogged at 11:55 PM

You lead me... paths of righteousness...

